The Mark of the Rani (BBC Audiobook)
Written by Pip & Jane Baker
Read By Nicola Bryant
Released by BBC Worldwide - April 2018
Available from Amazon UK
I was never a big fan of Pip and Jane Baker's writing on the series. They only wrote three stories, but none of them thrilled me. "The Mark of the Rani" was probably the best of the three...but even then it was a little too campy. I didn't think the Rani was an interesting new villain, as she just seemed to be a pale imitation of Anthony Ainley's version of the Master, and her scientist goals seemed very anti-science in their depiction.
Little did I know I'd need to write a review of the audiobook someday.
This is the kind of sentence that seems to end a lot of sequences and chapters in this novelization. "Little did they know..." and variations upon that permeate the book. The Bakers aren't particularly good writers in my opinion, not for the screen, not for the page. While Nicola Bryant proves to be a great narrator, the story is only so-so.
I don't remember disliking the original episodes, though I went back and read my review of when I last watched it many years ago, and my review is pretty critical of it. I'd have to rewatch to see where I stand on the televised version. But the novel is mediocre. Not awful, but just somewhere in the middle...and there is little that is less interesting to talk about than something that is middle of the road in terms of quality.
If you happen to be fan of this story, Nicola Bryant is giving her all to the audiobook. I would say her reading made up for the lack of story and interesting characters. If you don't really care about this particular Sixth Doctor story, I wouldn't waste my time.