Short Trips: Lost and Found (Big Finish)

Monday, 1 August 2016 - Reviewed by Richard Brinck-Johnsen
Short Trips: Lost and Found (Credit: Big Finish)

Written by Penelope Faith
Directed by Lisa Bowerman
Narrated by Anneke Wills

Big Finish Productions – Released June 2016

Having recently listened to several of Big Finish’s 2016 Short Trips, Lost and Found stands out as one of the most memorable entries of recent times. Anneke Wills may not be able to offer an uncanny impersonation of the Second Doctor or fellow companion Ben Jackson (this story is set prior to the arrival of a certain Highlander so a Scots accent is thankfully not called for) but as this story centres around Polly, she is the perfect choice to read it. There is a lovely familiarity of the setting of the post-war London of Polly’s childhood and a rather sweet touch to use the setting of Henrik’s department store, the future workplace of Rose Tyler. There is a special moment in which the Doctor encounters a familiar face and a nice nod in the direction of another Rose’s TV adventures.

Ultimately, this is a very human story and new writer Penelope Faith has captured the season four TARDIS crew perfectly, especially Polly. It is very much to be hoped that we will hear more from her soon.