The Fourth Doctor - Series 5 Episode 1 - Wave Of Destruction

Sunday, 15 May 2016 - Reviewed by Matt Tiley
Wave Of Destruction (Credit: Big Finish)

Written By: Justin Richards
Directed By: Nicholas Briggs


Tom Baker (The Doctor), Lalla Ward (Romana),
John Leeson (K9), Karl Theobald(Mark Lanchaster),
Phil Mulryne (Barnaby Miller), Alix Wilton Regan (Jill),
John Banks (Derek Fretus)

Producer David RichardsonScript Editor John Dorney
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and
Nicholas Briggs

I must confess that I am a novice to these new fourth Doctor stories. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, as quite obviously, the years have rather marched on since Tom was featured on my television on an early Saturday evening

I hit play, Baker's classic theme kicked in, I was in heaven. From my point of view, this episode could easily have been called Wave Of Nostalgia.

Indeed, Tom Baker and Lalla Ward do sound older, but their fantastic chemistry is still present, and to also have John Leeson onboard as K9 is pure bliss to this 46 year old Who fan. I found myself quickly forgetting that the actors were older, and their voices had changed a little, instead I was sucked into the story. Laughing at Baker and Ward's excellently written comedy moments (can you imagine Romana handbag shopping?).

The story is actually quite throw away, which if you think about it, is nostalgic in itself, as the dating would place this in season 17, which did of course include the fantastic City of Death, but also included the not so classics The Horns of Nimon and The Creature from the Pit (saying that though - I'm one of the few that love Nimon).

The Doctor, Romana and K9 find themselves in 1960s London, where they stumble into a mystery involving an unconscious Professor, MI5 and a pirate radio station. An alien threat is invading through our transmissions (it's a threat that the fourth Doctor has come across before - if you can name them from that synopsis, give yourself a pat yourself on the back!). Can the Doctor, Romana and K( save the day before it is too late? Of course they can!

For me though,  it wasn't about the story, it was about getting my TARDIS 'A Team' back together. There's intrigue and threat. There's a great cliffhanger. The dialogue is cracking, and very funny, (in a way that is very reminiscent of Douglas Adams) there is also beautifully nonsensical technobabble abound (modulated frequency wave cancellation signal anyone?). 

Along with the three leads, this episode also features Karl Theobald (Plebs) as Mark Lancaster, Phil Mulryne as Barnaby Miller, Alix Wilton Regan as Jill and John Banks as Derek. Wave Of Destruction is written by Justin Richards and confidently directed by Nicholas Briggs.

As well as the main story, this CD/ download also features interviews with the cast and crew. Wave Of Destruction has given me a real taste for Baker's audio adventures, I'm looking forward to the next one.