
Saturday, 29 October 2005 - Reviewed by Geoff Wessel


What more can I add to that?

Well, this I guess:

[lj-cut text="EX-TER-MIN-ATE!"]

Well. This was definitely the 2nd best ever Dalek TV story (sorry, "Remembrance of the Daleks" still holds the title), and probably my favorite of the season so far. The atmosphere was tense, you knew there was going to be a high body count (that thing with the sprinklers? Daaaamn), and you knew we would see the Doctor in High Militant Mode when it comes to the Daleks. After all, he's already come yea shy of wiping them from history before they were born, he held a gun to Davros' head once, and oh yeah, also kinda sorta destroyed their home planet. So yeah, he's never really in the mood to be a nice guy where the Daleks are concerned.

Thing is, despite the greatness of it all...I've experienced this story before. And oddly enough, it was by Rob Shearman too. Because about half the Dalek's dialogue was almost a direct lift from his Big Finish audio "Jubilee." "I NEED OR-DERRRS!" "I AM WAI-TING FOR OR-DERRRRS!" "YOU DO NOT FEAR ME EVE-LYN SMY--"ERRRR "ROSE TY-LER" "I AM A SOLLL-DIER!"

So yes, unfortunately there is an element of fandom who's seen a captured, tortured, insane, suicidal Dalek before. Or heard, rather. And dammit, aren't Dalek torture-screams about one of the most bloodcurdling things you've ever heard?

At the same time tho, once again Shearman uses the Daleks to say more about humanity, in the guise of Van Statten. What kind of man DOES it take to ruthlessly collect alien artefacts, rape them for technology, and oh yeah, capture and torture a live Dalek, anyway? The same kind of man who thinks he owns the Internet. And as with all Alpha Males, van Statten quickly realizes when there's a bigger, badder, meaner dog in the yard. Hell, he had no problem with letting 200 employees die, or torture the Doctor, either. Face it, when it comes to torture and death, we're #1! We're #1! We're #1!

Rose (and I'm sure, some viewers) saw sides of the Doctor she'd never seen, and didn't much like. But then he's not human, he never will be. (ANd for you continuity wankers, half-human does not equal human. Do the math.) He, too, is the last of his kind, and he doesn't much like it.

All in all, greatness, and I'm glad Shearman was able to tell the story (although I do wonder what his alternate script was....)


Oh yeah, and what's with the new companion, too? Hmm...tension on the TARDIS now?

FILTER: - Series 1/27 - Ninth Doctor - Television