The Doctor DancesBookmark and Share

Sunday, 29 May 2005 - Reviewed by Mike Eveleigh

Oh boy....My expectations were high for the conclusion to this two-parter. Loved the episode title, for a start, and 'The Empty Child' had been wonderful; so what did I get?

Expectations surpassed. Don't you just love it when that happens?

This was sublime , creepy, emotional and life-affirming television...and occasionally very funny to boot.It boasted Christopher Ecclestone at his considerable best . There have been criticisms that the Ninth Doctor has been rather ineffectual at various times in this series, relying on others to resolve situations. I can see that (I've *said* that!) and wasn't impressed by the treatment of Adam, but this has become a complex and fascinating interpretation of the role, and it's a shame that as I warm to him more and more, I know that the Ninth Doctor will soon be gone. It's sad and rather wonderful at the same time. (Does that make sense?! I just mean...actors come and go, but the Doctor lives on.)

Anyways...'The Doctor Dances'. The resolution of the cliffhanger was spot on ("Go to your room!") This really was a wonderful script. I adore this programme, but I've seldom found myself laughing out loud and banging my thigh in delight whilst watching. The scene with the 'zombies' surrounding our heroes and the Doctor being very reluctant to describe his sonic device to Jack (I've got a sonic...oh, never mind.") could well be my favourite of the season so far. The way Chris plays it and ends up shouting "Screwdriver!" ....lovely, funny stuff and *very* Doctor Who. (loved the 'banana' business too)

Got to mention Florence Hoath's performance. She held all the scenes with the children together beautifully. And the moment when we realise Nancy's actual relationship with the 'empty' child; *great* acting. Nancy trusts the Doctor and saves the world in the process....beautiful stuff, brilliantly played.

A few other thoughts...Direction; faultless. Captain Jack; glad to have him on board. An engaging character with a bit of mystery about him, very engagingly played. Nice to think that the TARDIS dynamics are going to be shaken up a bit. (I assume that Captain Jack 'riding' the bomb was a deliberate 'Dr.Stangelove' ,er...'homage'?)

Glenn Miller and dancing in the special *is* this?

I think this story is right up there with the best that the programme has offered and the conclusion rocked, basically! This Doctor has obviously seen and experienced a lot of terrible things recently. His joyous cry of "Everybody lives!!" was a wonderful part of a wonderful conclusion...this was very special.

The Doctor dances? Too right he does.

Ten out of ten.

FILTER: - Series 1/27 - Ninth Doctor - Television