The Tenth Planet
In Derek Martinus The Tenth Planet, were introduced to the nefarious Cybermen courtesy writers Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis and witness The Doctors (William Hartnell) first regeneration.
The TARDIS materializes in 1986, within the vicinity of the South Pole Space Tracking Station; as helmed by the authoritative Gen. Cutler (Robert Beatty), and scientists like Dyson (Dudley Jones), and Barclay (David Dovimead). Naturally, Doctor Who, Ben Jackson (Michael Craze) and Polly Wright (the sincere Anneke Wills) have a wander, and find their bumbling selves captured, interrogated, accused, and socially accepted by the outgroup. As coincidence is the very fabric of the Who universe, the villains simultaneously appear on the scene, seeking out Earths resources to replenish their own planet: Mondas. This establishes the forthcoming Troughton Eras general plot paradigm.
This couldve been one of my favourite stories, due to the debut of the Cybermen and regeneration alone. Sadly, despite a promising premise, if a painting-by-numbers plot there isnt much to it. The Cybermen - Doctor Whos #2 alien race, in terms of popularity arent used effectively enough; only appearing significantly in two episodes. Despite promising photographic stills, as published in various literature, they look pretty daft in action: karate-chopping opponents in almost exaggerated slow-motion. When they dont move, they do look impressive and sinister, thanks to Sandra Reids parsimonious costume design. Although later known to regenerate themselves de temps en temps, the aliens are presented in their most humanoid, and subsequently unsettling incarnation here. Their cloth masks erase the face and all observable intragroup distinction the Cybermen have been feminized by their technology. Their visibly human mitts trail cold, limp, and seemingly uselessly alongside their waists Portrayed by Gregg Palmer (Shav / Gern), Reg Whitehead (Krail / Jarl), Harry Brooks (Talon / Krang), Bruce Wells, John Haines, John Slater, and John Knott and voiced in bizarre fashion by Roy Skelton and Peter Hawkins this race has potential. Additionally, this is one of those rare times the Cybermen actually do what is implied on the tin: act impassively, devoid of emotion! They arent nefarious per se, merely driven by survival; forming an interesting parallel with Cutlers primary motivation: ensuring his legacys survival. Relatedly, Terry Cutler (Cullen Angelo) reminds me loosely of Dustin Hoffmans character in The Graduate (1967) Foresight or hindsight?
Contextual stereotypes are both unused and applied, here: theres a black astronaut and aide, yet Polly makes the coffee
Wills is genuinely likeable, yet sadly not given sufficient screen-time. The rambunctious Ben, in stark contrast, is integral to eliminating the first wave of alien visitors thanks to a dexterous contrivance utilizing a film projector!
Hartnell doesnt get much off a send-off, mainly due to his absence in episode 3. He was a good Doctor, and its regrettable his illness prevented him from resuming the role in future multi-Doctor stories. Ill particularly miss his Yoda-inspiring chuckle.
As he collapses on the TARDIS floor, his countenance inexplicably begins to glow TV history. Next?: The Monster Doctor! **[/5]