DoomsdayBookmark and Share

Monday, 10 July 2006 - Reviewed by William Davis

I find it astonishing that anyone, especially real Dr.Who fans, can criticise anything from this series and having seen Doomsday umpteen times since transmission I still can find no fault.

Quite simply Doomsday rattled along at a ferocious pace with great tight direction from Graeme Harper and an ensemble cast that rode into the sunset on the most glittering beast that could inhabit the regal mind of Russell T. Davies. Cybermen vs Daleks... .every fan's wet dream surely... .and the most heartbreaking finale that you could ever imagine. I am 40... but I wept and wept through the last 20 minutes-friends of mine who are 20 and NEVER cry...THEY wept! My mother wept! Only my dear wife remained immune and at least she had the decency the pass me a tissue and coimment on how Billie and David acted the socks off anyone else on television.

I love the way Russell develops ideas through the series...his hints and catches to reward the viewing regulars...and yet always remaining accessible. There really is something for everyone in modern Dr. Who...and that is what TV should be all about. Doomsday had tons of everything. Pete Tyler... ..! Wow... from a one off story in series one to this amazing return...his meeting with Jackie was just jaw droppingly wonderful... ..and then Mickey the hero...yet again coiming forward to kick butt.

Billie has become in two years, a skilled and subtle leading lady and although there were towards the end too many open mouthed gawps (watch the Satn Pit etc to see what I mean) she really had a tour de force here and her character really did come full circle(great idea to have her waking in her bed-shades of 'Rose'). She had brought an emotional depth to Rose and pulled aspects of the Doctor out of his reserved shell to expose what a vulnerable and shattered individual he is under all the bravura. David Tennant is God! Quite simply he is THE definative Dr. Who already...and he can act like there is no tomorrow. Once again in Doomsday we see him glide effortlessly and totally believably from light comedy to anguish and heartbreaking solitude. He has taken the role to new heights...and pity the man whjo will one day replace him (although please PLEASE stay David...4 years would be a great start!). The parting scenes were just so right for the adventures we have shared with them both... and I defy anyone not to cry when Rose says that she loves him...and he is so close to reciprocating. Yes...the Doctor is an emotional fellow and so he should be! Not bed hopping Kirk but a complex, multi-layered , multi-faceted alien who can experience a range of empotions and he NEEDS that depth to move his character on! More power to your elbow are a GENIUS!!!!

And so Rose is no more... .I can't say Catherine Tate is my favourite actress as much of her work is derivative, but I am sure she will do us proud at Christmas... and as for Freema, well, if she isn't the MOST beautiful companion ever then I'll have to ask each one of you to step outside whom so ever disagrees. I can't wait for series 3... but what can Russell do to top this?

FILTER: - Television - Series 2/28 - Tenth Doctor

DoomsdayBookmark and Share

Monday, 10 July 2006 - Reviewed by Morgan Jenner

I'll miss Rose Tyler. I think many of us will.

Good luck to Billie in her future ventures - she really has helped bring "Doctor Who" back to this new world. I work in retail and I can't help but smile whenever - almost every other day - I see a kid get excited over a new Doctor Who display in store: DVD, book or magazine, these kids are just so enthusiastic about it all.

I criticised RTD last week for poor writing in the sci-fi world. I stand by that - and would ask that he gives more stories to the likes of Matt Jones, Mark Gatiss, Tom MacRae and Rob Shearman (I would love to see a story on screen to match "The Holy Terror")... but oh my does RTD write character stories well.

Sci-fi doesn't seem to be the point of "Doomsday". In deed, the Cyberman/Dalek confrontation is kinda lacklustre in the end, 'though kudos for the work that went in to the scene on the bridge, and the "they will fight you" pay-off... No matter what, we will not lay down.

But this is really Rose's story. And what a send off... From her dying scream to the denial of her Doctor's love, this farewell has to be the most emotional of all of the Doctor's companions... 'Cept, maybe, Sarah Jane's eventual "goodbye" just a few weeks ago.

RTD is a writer of human character - QAF ably demonstrated that, but the scene with Rose and the Doctor parted by a wall a universe apart was the best thing about this whole second series... This gut-wrenching separation was superbly acted by David Tennant and Billie Piper, but was supported by a most emotion-inducing soundtrack.

This 30+ fella had a lump in his throat and I don't mind admitting it!

As for the cliffhanger... I am intrigued.

FILTER: - Television - Series 2/28 - Tenth Doctor

DoomsdayBookmark and Share

Monday, 10 July 2006 - Reviewed by Alex Child

WOW! That was bloody amazing!. Russel has proved once again that he more than capable of writng amazing stuff ( odd when you consider the pile of drivel that was "Love & Monsters"!) but we'll forgive him for that!. In an episode that rounds off the series it finally raps up Rose's story, and presumably also closes the chapter on the Doctors envolvement with Jackie, Pete etc etc.

I felt a little dissapointed that we didnt see more carnage outside ( i. e people being massacred !, thats allways good ) but ive nothing really negative i can say about these last two episodes, and, like the last season ending, blew me away. I did however notice one large plot hole....

Once the cybermen are in OUR universe they set up a "processing" department behind some plastic sheets ( like you do) at Torchwood. Well whats wrong with that i here you say.. well.. the Doctor explains that because the Cybermen and Daleks have been through the dimensions there covered in this void stuff which eventually leads them to being sucked back though etc, etc, BUT...

The Cybermen processed in our dimension hadn't been anywhere, including poor old Yvonne Hartman who is presumably now sitting back in her office ranting " I did my duty for Queen & country" while sipping a coffee!. maybe she and the rest of them will create a progressive folk duo and go off and conqueror somewhere else!. And did anyone actually see any Cybermen being sucked back through anyway?.

One other thing that baffled me was why do the Daleks refer to the device as a Genisis Ark?. As cool as it may sound, what relation did that bare to the final device which is revealed to be in simple terms as a prison cell?. I was expecting some sort of rebirth or cloning device?. Hmm.

Ive praised him before, and ile do it again. Loved Murray Golds work. The kind of person who can write music that can reduce a grown man to tears must be doing something right!. All praise to him, but credit must also go to Piper and Tennant for wonderfull performances, especially in the last few scenes.

And what of dear old Catherine tate at the end... hillarious!.

FILTER: - Television - Series 2/28 - Tenth Doctor

DoomsdayBookmark and Share

Monday, 10 July 2006 - Reviewed by Paul Nicholls

For the last thirteen weeks or so I’ve been saying nothing could compare to saying goodbye to Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor. Indeed the emotion of the last episode of Season One was unsurpassable in my eyes, we were saying goodbye to the best Doctor I’ve ever had. Well today, we said goodbye to the best companion I have ever had.

Rose Tyler, gone forever?

That was unbearable. I cried so hard I had to run upstairs to stop spraying everyone in snot and tears, it was heartbreaking. How anyone can dare to slate RTD’s writing or Billie Pipers acting is beyond me, because that was without doubt the best telly we’ll see this year. What a corker of an episode! The millions of imprisoned Daleks shooting out of the genesis ark into the surrounding sky, and the sheer volume of the battle was breathtaking! The Cybes walking through estates while people watch in terror, the Daleks flying through the skies and their one-liners were superb this time, they even added some comedy to it. Nick Briggs as the voice of both The Daleks and The Cybermen was wonderful, and Graham Harpers direction was top notch. I’m so glad The Daleks beat the Cybes and proved once and for all what people have been debating for decades. The Daleks DO kick Cyberman arse. I don't think RTD could have done it any other way tho, to be fair The Daleks managed to wipe out the Time Lords, as well as themselves, so if The Cybermen had beaten The Daleks, that would have weakened the power of The Timelords. I reckon anyways.

The whole story gripped from the opening line to the closing credits. All through this season I’ve thought Rose has been a bit cocky, slightly annoying sometimes too, but for the last 15 minutes I realised just how fantastic she’s been and I really didn’t want her to go. Not yet, not for another season at least. I don’t want to never see Jackie, Mickey or the wonderful Pete again. Earth stories just won’t be the same now, how can they be?

How can we warm to anyone else as much as we did them? Surely now the stories will have to be mainly set away from earth, on other planets and other galaxies rather than try and copy the Tylers? Who knows?

What I do know is whatever happens, RTD will surpass himself yet again. Of that I have no doubt.

FILTER: - Television - Series 2/28 - Tenth Doctor

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Monday, 10 July 2006 - Reviewed by Angus Gulliver

After last year's finale which I felt suffered from "deus ex machina syndrome" and left me feeling disappointed, I was somewhat concerned that RTD might do the same again. But there was also a voice in my head which said, "no, RTD seems to have listened to the criticisms".

What we had was certainly an entirely satisfying end to the series, and an emotional farewell to a well liked companion.

I'm sure others will dissect the plot, so I'll say that I was genuinely impressed with the origin of the Genesis Ark, I hadn't seen that twist coming! The final solution was good, and played out well with both the Doctor and Rose working together to rid the world of the Daleks and Cybermen.

If I have a criticism it is that the sentimental ending was a couple of minutes too long. Don't get me wrong, I am a sentimental guy and I am very sad to see Rose leaving. She has proved to be one of the best companions ever. But I'm not sure we needed five minutes of mush.

My wife thought the "testosterone battle" between the Dalek and Cyberman upon first meeting each other was overdone. Otherwise it was a very strong episode. A shame perhaps that we couldn't see more of the Daleks and Cybermen fighting in London but I imagine that was expensive!

Visually much of this episode, like the last, was stunning. Graeme Harper also paced things beautifully. Though I do recall looking at my watch and wondering "how will they solve this in the time remaining?" I never felt the resolution was rushed, unlike some stories this year.

A thrilling conclusion to what has been (Love & Monsters excepted) a very strong season. In a year when a fine story such as "School Reunion" was a comparative disappointment, we were treated to a final two-part adventure that could go down as a great. Only time will tell! Thank you Russell. Thank you Billie Piper.


FILTER: - Television - Series 2/28 - Tenth Doctor

DoomsdayBookmark and Share

Monday, 10 July 2006 - Reviewed by Trish Brigden

As a child I watched Doctor Who with my dad. I did watch from behind the sofa (really) and I quite enjoyed it from what I can remember. John Pertwee was my first and I have memories of Tom Baker but the others sort of passed me by. Well I was a growing girl and Robin Hood was much better looking!! Shallow I know but nothing's really changed I am sorry to add! So when the ninth Doctor showed up I was keen to enjoy this with my own young family as I had with my parents so long ago. And enjoy it we did, I have breed two serious Doctor Who fans and if that's my legacy then so be it, but I digress!

So we have reached the last episode of the tenth Doctor and I must admit this last week has gone so slowly, we waited with such anticipation and we weren't disappointed. All that we were promised and more. Daleks and cybermen galore all the action a young family requires. I could talk endlessly about plot building and anticipation and all the things serious fans and eloquent reviewers need to tell you but this episode was so much more to me. I am sure you have guessed where I am going by now. I'm a women after all and technical is way over my head (stop nodding boys, I've probably read more science fiction than you've had hot dinners) and I know my sonic screwdrivers from my flux capassitors and I know a dilithium crystal when I see one!!

For me this was pure emotion, forget techno speak and void stuff. I sobbed my heart out for the last 15 minutes and I'm not to shy to say it. Not much makes me cry, 'Titanic' couldn't you see that coming, 'Ghost' get a grip, but this, I so wanted him to save they day and for the Doctor and Rose to live happily ever after. We all know that was never going to happen but for something to make me care that much has got to be good.

I realise you are probably all saying, what does she know she's only watching because she fancies David Tennant, true, I do think he's quite tasty but I also know a good story when I see one, with decent actors who know there job. The sets and scenes were as detailed and well put together as always, the story flowed naturally and we will ignore the various plot gaffs (including that no one thought to chain down the TARDIS, void stuff and all that). Oh and what's wrong with a pretty boy just to keep the girls happy, you've had years of pretty girls!

This second series has had its critics, but for television to be able to provide so much for so many, then they must be getting something right. A mighty end to a mighty series and I just can't wait for the next.

FILTER: - Television - Series 2/28 - Tenth Doctor