The Good Soldier (Panini Graphic Novel)

Friday, 5 January 2018 - Reviewed by Ken Scheck
The Good Soldier (Credit: Panini)

Written by Andrew Cartmel, Dan Abnett, Gary Russell, Paul Cornell, John Freeman

Artwork by Arthur Ranson, Lee Sullivan, Mark Farmer, Mike Collins, Steve Pini, Richard Whitaker, Cam Smith, Gary Frank, Stephen Baskerville

Paperback: 176 pages
Publisher: Panini UK LTD

The Good Soldier, the Seventh Doctor's time in Doctor Who Magazine didn't really find a voice until the show got canceled. The script editor for the show's final years under McCoy was Andrew Cartmel, and you can tell he has put an influence on the strip during this period. It helps bring the feel of the latter end of McCoy to the strip right off the bat, and that carries through the whole collection here.

Of the Seventh Doctor collections, this is possibly the strongest collection.  It actually felt like a collection of stories that worked together, as opposed to just a variety of random stories. In this book we start off from the moment Ace joined the strip, and the opening and closing stories of the volume are written by  Cartmel, and there is a great big story in the middle by Dan Abnett titled "The Mark of Mandragora," which has a couple of lead-in stories as well.  All around a good collection of stronger stories, a more cohesive tone, and Ace! It is sort of a shame the strip couldn't maintain this level under the Seventh Doctor for long after this. 

This collection felt the most like the Seventh Doctor's run on TV, which sort of makes sense as the stories in this were published right about the same time that a new season of Doctor Who might have started, but (of course) did not.  Panini's collection is, as usual, lovingly put together, and as this grouping of stories is some of the best stuff from the Seventh Doctor's time leading the strip?  Definitely worth a look in. 

FILTER: - comics - panini - seventh doctor